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At Resilience Institute, we empower organizations and leaders who believe that when people grow, business grows. Our research demonstrates that effective business requires both performance and care. We measure and build the resilience of leaders, people and organizations.Over the past 20 years we have supported thousands of organizations worldwide with precision training programs and our evidence-based digital toolkit for individuals and teams. With a deep understanding of the modern workplace, our programs are based on the latest research in psychology and neuroscience while also delivering practical, actionable solutions that engage, inspire, and sustain positive change.


  • Measure your people's resilience with our Resilience Diagnostic tool
  • Map your resilience by functions and business units and gain insights on the key factors that support and compromise your people’s performance and wellbeing.
  • Benchmark your resilience scores against global trend and focus on key priorities
  • Train and Nurture your people resilience with 3 precision trainings customised to your specific needs and free monthly community webinars available through our digital platform.
  • Track group progress and impact
    Sustain resilience practices with the support of our digital toolkit and monthly webinars on targeted topics



Our programs are evidence based, data driven and integral . We develop Resilience skills at physical, emotional and mental levels and identify resilience practices that can be integrated into a routine for self and teams. Drawing from the latest research in neuroscience, positive psychology, preventative medicine and high-performance sports, our live training sessions are experiential, demonstrating how to practice real-time resilience and encouraging the development of positive habits that will support participants for life.

Feedback from hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world is that Resilience Institute training improves all aspects of work and life.

Drawing on a decade of research and assessments, our latest Global

Resilience Study has shown that Resilience reduces workplace risk factors by 24% (distress, anxiety, disengagement) while improving performance drivers by 27% (focus, connection, calm, wellbeing).


To better appreciate the impact of our programs, I invite you to watch our client Nestle’s testimonial and a second testimonial from Carine Schorochoff - Senior VP at Edwards Lifesciences. 

*This vendor is a Supporter of the Health Action Council and not a vetted, endorsed provider.


Declan Scott

FCA | Senior Consultant
 [email protected]

Lieven Callewaert

Global Partner
 [email protected]

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