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Defining A Common Language For A Common Goal

The connection between business and health is evolving for the better. Two separate communities are progressing toward a promising new alignment with the potential to improve the overall health of individuals, the businesses who employ them and the communities in which they sit. We could not be more excited to help lead the way.

As Health Action Council continues to act as a catalyst of positive change, building bridges to better health, we have identified an obstacle slowing our progress... A language barrier between key players - both inside and outside - of the healthcare spectrum. Customers, employers, employees, brokers, consultants, providers, community leaders, nonprofits and government institutions… each population presents a unique set of core competencies and a unique means of communication. Only by collaborating as partners to define a common language can we effectively align our strengths toward reaching a universal goal. Or, more fundamentally, understand that we actually do have a common goal in the first place.

In April I moderated a “Community Wellness” breakout session at the recent Health Means Business Forum. It was here that I realized just how vast the language gap between stakeholders really is. While it’s easy – and at times, justifiable – to point our fingers at the system, we cannot continue to do so without also addressing the apparent deficiencies in our own conversations. And the only way to do that is to exit our silos and come to the table as the partners we really are.

On behalf of Health Action Council, we are looking forward to creating new opportunities to improve the conversation around health and business.


Patty Starr
Executive Director


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About the author

Patty Starr

Patty Starr is president and CEO of Health Action Council and is responsible for driving the strategic direction of the organization--build stronger, healthier communities where business can thrive. 

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