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10 Tips On How To Choose A Flu Shot Provider

Illness can have a devastating impact on individuals and organizations. Now is the time to start working on ways to best protect your employees next year. 

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that during this current flu season, there have been at least 34 million reported cases, 350,000 hospitalizations, and 20,000 deaths.

On average, the flu costs the U.S. economy over $10.4 billion annually for medical expenses, on top of the $7 billion per year in sick days and lost productivity, not to mention the added complications from the emergence of the worldwide coronavirus.

A flu shot program can reduce doctor visits and hospitalizations leading to cost savings and greater employee productivity. Additionally, it enforces a culture of health and wellbeing, which can engender greater loyalty, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Here are 10 things to ask your Flu Shot Provider :

  1.  TYPE. What is the difference between trivalent (three-component) vaccines and quadrivalent (four-component) vaccines? Is there a cost difference between the two?

  2. VOUCHER POLICIES. If flu shot vouchers must be distributed by the employer rather than the vendor, what are some practices that other employers have put into place to distribute these to their population while still maintaining control over who uses them?

  3. VOUCHER FEES. Are there any upfront fees for vouchers? Any fees collected for vouchers that do not get redeemed?

  4. ONSITE CLINIC FEES. Are there any travel fees associated with onsite clinics?

  5. ONSITE CLINIC STAFFING. When does the vendor send administrative personnel to the onsite clinic? For some smaller clinics, the nurses will handle check-in and paperwork. Some vendors look to the client to provide personnel for this. Some vendors will send an administrator at no extra charge for clinics anticipating greater than 50 shots. What are the vendor's best practices for this?

  6. REPORTING. What kind of reporting capability do you have for clients?

  7. MANAGEMENT. What does the process look like for account management? Who will be my point of contact, how were they trained, and how long have they been with the company?

  8. ABSENT EMPLOYEES. If there is a staffing issue the day of the event, what does the process look like for the team lead to cover the missing employee?

  9. REGISTRATION. How will my employees register for a flu shot? What about employees that do not have access to a computer throughout the day? How are walk-ins handled?

  10. QUANTITY OF SERUM. How is the quantity of serum brought to an event decided? How much more than anticipated is brought? How is the serum transported to the onsite clinic?

To minimize absenteeism, employers frequently offer onsite seasonal flu vaccinations to employees at no or low cost to their employees. This option can work well if the employer has an on-site occupational health clinic. If you don’t have a clinic, pharmacies and community vaccinators can be contracted to provide seasonal flu vaccination services on-site.

Make sure your employees know where they and their families can get seasonal flu vaccines in their community. Additionally, find out what health care providers, pharmacies, and clinics provide seasonal flu vaccines. Partner with a pharmacy or provider to get your employees vaccinated.

Health Action Council recently announced CHC Wellbeing, an experienced wellness provider and trusted partner, as our new endorsed flu shot provider. The selection of CHC Wellbeing followed an extensive search that included 12 other providers. They were selected based on their experience, depth of service, national coverage, and ability to embrace the importance of administering the flu shot through various distribution channels. For more information, contact us via email or call 216-328-2200.

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About the author

Patty Starr

Patty Starr is president and CEO of Health Action Council and is responsible for driving the strategic direction of the organization--build stronger, healthier communities where business can thrive. 

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